Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Quantity beats quality this day
Author J6A
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2019-04-10
Language English
Scenario FitS009

An interesting scenario. The Germans have a medium sized combined infantry/tank force with good OBA and possible air support and are trying to wrest a town from a Soviet combined infantry/tank force. The Soviet tanks are T-26s and T-34as, while the Germans have various PZIIIF and PZIIIG along with a couple of platoons of PZIVEs. The Soviets also have a couple of 76.2mm guns for defense. The Germans have solid 8/7 morale and good leadership, and the Soviets have average 7/6 morale, and not a lot of leadership.

I set up the Soviets guarding the woods to the northwest of town, guarding the only hill on the board (a little 3 hex hill on board 4) an then had dug in infantry and tanks in front of the town, and more infantry and the AT guns in town. For the Germans, I split the forces into a northern force coming through the fields and a southern force coming through the woods.

Early on, this turned into a long range tank duel. This actually favored the Germans, as the 7 hex range of the PZIIIs meant they could take long range shots at the Soviet tanks and set up crossfires which the Soviets could not effectively answer, as their long-range fire was no more powerful than the guns of the PZIIIs. A couple of tank platoons tried to get close to the Germans, and were taken out by crossfire. The Germans did not get off scot free, however the Soviets were losing tanks at a faster pace. The infantry battle wasn't happening much, as the Soviets refused to leave the woods, the Germans refused to leave the fields, and both sides OBA wasn't doing much. The Soviets, despite their 7 morale, were doing well on morale checks. On the south side, the Germans were able to take the hill, albeit in a bloody affair.

With the tank losses piling up for the Soviets, the Germans were ahead on VP, even without coming close to the town. However, they needed to be ahead by 6 VP for a minor victory, and were only ahead by 3, and were running out of intact tanks. Of the 8 German tank platoons, 2 had been eliminated and 3 reduced. Meanwhile, of the 5 T-26 platoons, only 1 1/2 were left, and only 2 of the 6 T-34A platoons were still around. So, the Germans finally decided to close under the cover of smoke, and air and artillery were finally taking their toll on the Soviets in the woods, forcing most of them to fall back towards the town. Except the one unfortunate platoon which failed its KOM-driven Morale Check 2 turns in a row and were shot for their problems.

As the Germans closed, their early luck suddenly ran out. The Soviets started winning initiative rolls. The remaining T=34s fell back to the town, and along with the AT guns, found the range, shredding the 2 PZIV platoons in 2 turns, and taking out on PZIIIG platoon advancing. The German infantry reached the Soviet lines mostly unscathed, and took out the last full strength T-26 platoon s in melee, and then were hit by friendly fire (come one, it was a 4 or less, it was worth the shot, right?). And the Soviets kept making morale checks, no matter what hit them. Now behind by 3 points, the Germans decided to retreat back to the woods and field and be satisfied with a draw. The Soviets were having none of this, though, and started pouring in deadly opportunity fire shots, including one from a 7-4 HMG that took out a step on each of its 2 shots! Suddenly, the Germans went from behind by 3 to behind by 9, with straggling disrupted and demoralized troops, and an intact force of Soviets in the town. I called it after turn 20 as a Soviet Minor Victory, however it's entirely possible they could have gotten a major victory.

This was a fun scenario. Had the German OBA been better (and maybe if I had used more smoke), the Soviet position in the woods would have been in a lot of trouble. Had the Soviets not done as well on their morale checks, they would have had to fall back faster, and either clutter up the town, or flee towards the map edge, and the Germans could have brought superior firepower to bear. Instead, the Germans had to wait a long time to move on the town to try to seal the victory, and by the time they did, the Soviets were in an strong position, and better German morale and firepower weren't enough to save the day. While I played this solo, I think it would be a good 2 player scenario, too.

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