Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
SS stopped in their tracks
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2019-03-15
Language English
Scenario KurS004

Played in two sessions, this scenario has an SS battler group with armour support including a platoon of Tigers, air support and OBDA attacking a Soviet Guards regiment dug in with the promise of a regular Tank Brigades support. The German commander has four objectives and must fulfil three of them for a minor victory, as one of these objectives is not to lose 20 steps this is a tall order. The SS sweep onto the board and make for their first objective the capture of a small town, other units aim for the northern road and begin to dig in, another objective is to block this road, other units are kept in reserve their aim will be to exit the eastern edge of the board to gain the third objective. Initially all goes well and losses are negligible however once the close combat start in the town this soon changes. The Soviet forces defend with great vigour and accurate HMG fire cuts down many SS troopers. In fact the Soviet commander holds the town like a mini Stalingrad by feeding just enough units to reinforce the town just when the SS think they have the upper hand. In fact by game end the town is still solidly in Russia hands. The SS reserve enter the board and make for a gap in the lines as per the initial plan. These units are met by elements of the RKKA tank brigade and the T34's are more than the match for the STUG's and Marders who were in the reserve. By game end not one German unit has managed to break through to the east, SS losses are so heavy that the attack is called off.A major Soviet victory. Good solid scenario this, I'm not sure if the SS can ever get a major victory but a minor victory is possible with a better planned attack. The Tiger unit got embroiled in the hand to hand combat in the town and very early on got reduced and demoralised and never cane back, a mistake on my part as it would have been a tough egg for those T34's to crack.

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