Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A surprise for the Fascist juggernaut
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2019-02-25
Language English
Scenario KRBT010

This 14 turn two mapper depicts a German attack against a Soviet held town, the Germans have Tigers, air support, Goliath's and their normal better morale and firepower. The Soviet defenders have entrenchments, mines and time on their side. Would it be enough? The German commander has three objectives, clear the town, clear the road and exit 15 steps. Complete any two and a German victory would ensue. The attack started well, with the Germans opting for a double flanking move with HMG's in the centre as a fire base, the Soviet right flank collapsed fairly quickly but on the left a stubborn ATR platoon held up a company of German INF in assault. The Soviet commander had also placed a backstop on the road, an entrenched HMG and INF with a 1011 leader this position held out against several attacks led by Tiger tank. With the town being very hard to capture the German commander decided to route some unit off the map to at least complete one objective but here is where fate reared ts head and two very quick game turns meant that it was unlikely that even that objective would be gained. On the penultimate turn the Soviet OBDA started to zero on the units trying to leave the board (Double 1 roll). The final attack on the entrenchment resulted in further German losses and a very unlikely major Soviet win was the result. Excellent scenario well balanced IMO, worth a look.

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