Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Author dreierj
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2019-01-03
Language English
Scenario BaBu036

In this scenario, the German must take two or more town hexes on Board 11 (south town). The US must eliminate nine or more German steps. The German has little time, and must make a direct attack without the benefit of cover. The US can’t move until a German unit is within three hexes of a US unit.

As the Germans approached, they were spotted, and soon they were being shelled by M-7 Priests. Meanwhile, long-range fire by US M-18s resulted in the destruction of half of the STUGIIIs. In only 30 minutes, the German had lost four steps.

The persistent Germans captured the northern hex of the town by 1545, but at significant cost. By now, they had lost 12 steps, which satisfied the US victory conditions. Many demoralized Germans were scattered north of the town, and the US was maneuvering to push the Germans out of the single town hex. Fifteen minutes later, the Germans were able to assault a second town hex, but lost the first one! The US was looking to reinforce the engineers battling the German assault. Meanwhile, American armor was moving to pursue the scattered German units in the north. The chances for the German to even get a draw were looking very poor.

At 1615, the surviving Germans withdrew. Their forces had been decimated and most survivors were disrupted/demoralized. US forces had experienced comparatively few losses, and had established a strong line of defense north of town. The reduced STUGIII platoon finally recovered, but US armor dominated the battlefield. This was a quick US victory.

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