Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Hindsight looking forward
Author plloyd1010 (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants WightTiger
Play Date 2018-09-16
Language English
Scenario MaoL001

I played this game more as a experiment for the new tank leader rule, than as an actual contest. All of our usual house rules were in affect, except for the limited leaders rule. That was replaced by the FitS tank leader rule with a higher attrition variant.

Any Soviet chances relied on a quick breakthrough and "run the gauntlet" sort of operation. That, or skulk around the sides, which looked even more improbable. We expected the maneuver to be faster and the German AT guns to be more deadly (due to house rules). Overall it looked quite bad for the Russians.

The BTs drove across the river and charged a central AT gun, taking fire most of the time. The assault almost work, though the armor attrition was severe, 2 tank leaders died in the process. The assault almost worked. By the time the smoke cleared, 6 of the BT platoons were gone, another tank leader dead, the Germans were recovering and reinforcing the position.

The T-28s were assigned to force the bridge. They did a fair amount of damage, but the Germans still held. The T-28s abandoned the attack and slogged through the river. Then they ran around the town while, while the Germans were repositioning their guns. A couple quick parting shots took a couple of steps out of the group. Bad luck killed 2 more tank leaders.

The scenario demonstrates the problem of committing unsupported armor at an extreme level. Thus not much fun to play, even though instructive. The higher attrition applied resulted in 5 tank leaders lost for 16 steps of armor.

The VP count in the end was 32 German, 22 Soviet. That doesn't reflect the brutality of the Soviet body count.

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