Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
The map edge is good.....
Author cjsiam (Soviet Union)
Victor Draw
Participants plloyd1010 (AAR)
Play Date 2018-08-05
Language English
Scenario FitS010

The Soviets (me) concluded that letting the Germans get on multiple sides of them was a road to they did not advance up the board very far, and stayed together. The German player approached, and hoping to entice me to stay in the middle while getting surrounded tried to pass on both sides while unloading infantry in the field in front of me....

Sensing a tightening noose, the Russian tanks ganged up on the eastern group of german tanks, a couple of PZIIIs, and drove at them in a group, getting a chance to take them out before they could retreat... The soviets then passed to the south of the forest to reduce the ability of the Germans to flank...

The Germans started to infiltrate the forest with their panzers coming out the east edge, while their infantry threatened to jump on tanks if not dealt with....

Being ahead at this point---the Russian player unfortunately allow another tank unit to be taken off while trying to rush to the town, away from the Germans in the forests....

The Remaining Russians ended up in the town, and the germans in the woods to the east.... A draw....

Good fun...Scenario was close up to last few turns when it became clear unless someone did something foolish it was going to be a draw.....If only the Russian had been better at staying out of range in last few turns....sigh....A draw is better then a least :)

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