Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A Smashing Start to Goodwood.
Author Blackcloud6
Method Solo
Victor Britain
Play Date 2018-07-31
Language English
Scenario LIBE018

Although this is somewhat of a lop-sided scenario, I had a blast playing it. It was fun to maneuver a British Brigade and smash the German defense. For once the 8 morale uber-mensch got what was coming to them as the overwhelming Brit firepower did the Germans in. I do think though that a clever german defense might be able to slow the Brits but I have yet to see what it could be. i could have played the Germans better too, their tanks got caught early on and destroyed.

Here is the hourly reports that were posted on my Consimworld blog (with pictures)

0745 hrs 18 July 1944: Elements of the 159th Infantry Brigade and the Northampton Yeomanry Battalion cross the Line of Departure to start the attack for Operation Goodwood. In their path are elements of the 1st Battalion, 125th Panzergrenadier Regiment, 21st Panzer Division delaying/defending in depth. Both sides begin the fight with artillery fires but have little effect. Playing Scenario 18, Operation Goodwood: Pushing South from PG's Liberation 1944

0845 hrs, 18 July 1944: The German front line was not as robust as British Intelligence thought it was (using the optional solo hidden unit rules) and the British attack on the German front goes quicker than expected. The Germans have a tough time withdrawing from their forward positions, especially the panzers. An early Typhoon strike disrupts a Mk IV platoon which causes the Germans to have to fight to withdraw their tanks; overwhelmed by numerous Cromwell tanks the Germans lose all but a few of their tanks and half-track mounted AT guns. This may be hurt them in the long run. The forward German infantry almost makes its escape but is plastered by British artillery when assuming a secondary position on the eastern hill. The Brits take some casualties to German artillery but otherwise move forward in good order. Now the UK brigade commander orders his forces to prepare for the assault on Cuverville which may be tougher than expected and a whole company of German infantry remains undetected. In the last turn the Brits were unable to move all their units due to a Fog-of-War SNAFU.

0945 hrs, 18 July 1944: the British press the attack and hit the German MLR at Cuverville and running west. The Brits manage to envelope the town and gain a foothold behind the German defense. The Brits assault (the hex with the #1 counter)and bring up Crocodile flame tanks. The Germans, apparently knowing they are doomed, fight tenaciously to hold the town as long as they can. Casualties mount on both sides as overwhelming British firepower takes its toll on the Germans as well as German artillery fires on the Brits. A few Fog of War turns disrupt some movement off follow on British units. There are no easy days...

1045 hrs, 18 July 1944: The British have secured all but the town center of Cuverville, where die-hard remnants of the German defenders hold out. the towns east and west of Cuverville are also secured and British commanders orders the brigade to continue south towards Demouville. (the Brits have a Major Victory but I'll keep playing to see if they can break through completely at Demouville)

1115 hrs, 18 July 1944: The Brits secure Cuverville and send a passel of German to the POW pens. And they press the attack towards Demouville hitting it with artillery and rushing Cromwells up to pound it with direct fire. The HMG platoon covering the town's approaches get hit hard by 25 lbr artillery and the survivors flee. The Landsers of the remaining infantry and mortar platoon realize what is coming and throw down their weapons. the approaching Tommies hear shouts of "Kamerade! Kamerade!" as the Germans surrender. The British win a major decisive victory and can now push south. Although a couple of pockets of resistance remain, they will be easily taken care of.

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