Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
For us, the war is over
Author J6A
Method Solo
Victor Britain
Play Date 2018-04-11
Language English
Scenario AfKo045

This played out as an odd scenario. There are a bunch of entrenched Italians surrounded by wire. They are mostly an infantry force, with a little artillery and an anti-tank gun. They are subject to surrender. Aiding them are a few German PzIIs and a bunch of PzIIIs, including some IIIGs. The British have 1 reduced Matilda in the lead, with a mixed force of infantry, AT and more Matildas following behind. Historically, the tanks traded shots for a while, doing not much, and then the Matildas went up to the Italians and asked them nicely to surrender. They didn't, so the British went home.

Not so this time. The Germans came off their hill to try to get some flank shots on the Matildas to attempt to kill a few, while the Italians dug in and hoped for the best. The lead Matildas got bored and decided to cross the wire to demand surrender. The Italians were more than happy to comply. The Italians have a 7 morale, so basically a 58% chance of not surrendering (they had no leaders with modifiers). I think out of about 8 surrender rolls, I made 2 of them. The Italian force melted away, with the few that survived the 1st round of surrendering not able to take out the Matildas in an assault. The German tanks finally got into a position where the PzIIIGs took out a step of Matildas at close range, only to have the surviving step wipe out all of the PzIIIGs. The Axis conceded on turn 12, with the Italians basically gone and the best German tanks out of action. It was a rout.

That being said, I don't think this is a terrible scenario. In retrospect, I should have sent the German tanks to the entrenchments to negate the chance of Italians surrendering. This would have put them in a much stronger position. It also might have devolved this into a massive assault, however in that case the Axis can afford more casualties than the British and might carry the day. Also, if I had rolled half decently on the surrender rolls, the lead Matildas might well have been eliminated, buying time for the rest of the force to hold on until the end.

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