Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Clash by Night (Come in and get me!)
Author PG-Tank Dude
Method Solo
Victor Slovak Republic
Play Date 2010-09-05
Language English
Scenario FiAx002

Situation: A disorganized Slovakian army being attacked by a Hungarian army containing a large proportion of new recruits.

Turns: 24

Victory Conditions: Hungary - Clear all town and road hex's of Slovakians Slovakia - Kill more Hungarians than they lose and maintain control of a town or road hex.

Set-up: Slovakia - A very good Porocik 10-1-2 (Lieutenant) sets up in the larger town with 4 INF and 1 HMG. A Stotnik (Captain) sets up in the smaller town to the north with 1 INF while the other Porocik with 3 INF and the 37mm are located at the base of the mountains to the north.

Hungary - Off board waiting to enter.

Turns 1-4: Hungarian Alezredes (Lt. Col.) chain activates the entire force and moves onto the board, proceeding to surround the town.

Turn 5: One Hungarian INF unit is sent forth to test the defenses of the town and is annihilated by Op-fire. That answers that question. Two more INF units are moved up with one getting Disrupted and the other Demoralized by Op-fire. Slovakian units in the foothills start making their way down to the smaller town. Step losses 0-2.

Turn 6: Alezredes combines fire to dislodge the Old Guard Porocik, who remains steady with his men. Porocik returns in kind, disrupting an INF and the NHP. Stotnik attempts to take 1 INF around Hungarian forces to aid the larger town. Hadnagy (2nd Lt.) moves to intercept. 0-3.

Turn 7: Alezredes assaults into town against the Old Guard Porocik, not only losing a step of INF but losing his own life for a catastrophic loss. NHP fails Morale check becoming disrupted as do the 1/2 strength INF who become demoralized. Porocik assaults units now without a Leader, obtaining 2 demorlizations and 1 disruption but receiving 1 step loss in return. Porocik with 2 INF from smaller town makes a run for the larger town. 1-3.

Turn 8 - 12: Porocik s able to make it into town and takes command of 3 INF units. Multiple assaults, disruptions and demoralizations for both sides. Step losses 3-6.

Turn 13: A Fohadnagy (1st Lt.) gets himself and half of his INF killed with the other half becoming demoralized in an assault. 3-7.

Turn 14-16: Hungarians lose 1 to their initiative. Hungarian 1/2 strength INF attempts recovery in assault hex, fails and flees, giving the Slovakians a free shot, which finishes them off. 3-8. Ornagy thinking it an easy fight, reassaults Porocik and his demoralized INF/HMG, losing one of his own instead. Stotnik retakes command of his assaulting forces, only to lose a step. 4-9.

Turn 17: Dawn is arriving. Hadnagy re-assaults Stotnik with his 1/2 step INF, killing it off and forcing the Stotnik out of the assault hex. 5-9.

Turn 18-20: Slovakia loses their Initiative bonus. Slovakians hunker down and mostly use their turns for recovery, which works for them in gaining two more step losses on the assaulting Hungarians and 1 more on a fleeing an assault hex demoralized NHP while losing 1 to fleeing their own assault hex. 6-12.

Turn 21-24: Hadnagy loses a step in an assault but gets demoralizations on all Slovakian units in the north of town. Slovakians attempt to recover, fail and flee the assault hex, losing a step from the free shot. Old Guard Porocik finally re-assaults on the last turn, obtaining another step loss on the Hungarians. 7-14.

Slovakians win a Major victory. They did lose more than 5 steps, which would give the Hungarians a Minor Victory, but holding onto both towns and obtaining twice as many step losses against the Hungarians gives it to them.

Conclusion: This scenario is mostly fought in the dark (first 18 turns). With the Hungarians having free moves for the first 5 turns as long as they didn't open fire or move into an adjacent hex with Slovak units, I thought it was going to be a turkey shoot when they more or less surrounded the town. However, with that Porocik 10-1-2 commanding the defenses of the large town, the Hungarians just couldn't dislodge him. A fair scenario that if I were to play again, I would completely seal the town off from aid. Being able to bring in recovered Slovakian troops was a huge benefit for the Porocik to sustain his position.

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