Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
British Juggernaut
Author scrane
Method Solo
Victor Britain
Play Date 2017-10-28
Language English
Scenario LIBE006

I enjoyed this scenario for the massive wave of Tommies I got to lead in battle. I guess what would be an entire infantry brigade with almost a battalion of tank support were pushing out of their Normandy beachhead on June 6. Facing them were about two battalions of Germans with minimal armor support. The Germans were grouped in reinforced-company-sized strongpoints centered on towns and hilltops, with extensive minefields protecting their flanks and intended to channel the British into an artillery and AT kill zone.

The British led off with 3 battalions of infantry and most of their tanks, with the balance of their forces arriving as reinforcements later in the game. Two battalions, supported by Shermans, a Crab platoon, and two platoons of Crocodiles assaulted the west side of the German position, while another battalion with an AVRE pushed into the eastern half. The Crabs were immediately shot up by a hidden AT gun as they tried to flail a path through one belt of mines. The following Shermans, noting the relatively sparse mines, plowed ahead, losing a step but getting beyond the minefield and turning to take the AT gun position. Crocodiles took out a MG nest and opened a hole for the infantry to flank the German's western strongpoint, which crumbled under steady assaults over the next hour.

In the east, the AVRE platoon and some infantry cleared one small town while a company of their fellows cleared another. The British surged up a hill and got a look at the next line of German defense, a large town well-covered by AT guns on high ground behind it. The reinforcements began arriving, so the British formed up for an assault on the eastern town.

British naval gunfire and airstrikes were devastating, with an abundance of Tempest fighter bombers delivering deadly attacks against key German units. While British casualties were not insignificant, the Germans were getting swept away.

The final hours of the engagement saw the British clearing out the west, and along with the advancing reinforcements, driving a two-pronged attack at the German center that finished them off. I called the game as the British had a substantial victory point margin with nothing standing between them and more points. A smashing victory.

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