Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Hyderabad holds the Indian tide
Author waynebaumber (Hyderabad)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Hyderabad
Participants tlangston28 (AAR)
Play Date 2017-10-08
Language English
Scenario InUn005

Played this one in three sessions against Tony L using Skype. I have played this before solo and thoroughly enjoyed it, the result here was the same but this one went down to the last turn. Indian force have three objectives in this river crossing scenario, do not lose 10 steps, no undemoralized Hyderabad force in towns and have more undemoralized steps over the river by game end. Its a tough ask. The Hyderabad force deployed along the river back, but put their HMG,s in the vital town hexes along with the best leaders, the Indian attack developed slowly but well and after three turn there had been no Indian losses and units were assaulting the bridge hex and SAP's were about to lay pontoon bridges down, however that was the high point really of the Indian attack, the bridge fell but the two town hexes held out, the Indian armoured train got shot up the dug in A/T guns and the one pontoon bridgehead were soon pinned down in an assault which tied into too many Indian units. The Indian commander just could not win an assault and accurate machine gun fire from the sugar factory delayed the other flank attack with out inflicting may casualties. By game end the Indian had failed to get across the river in sufficient numbers and only taken one town hex and had lost just the nine steps, Hyderabad losses were slightly higher but their commander was pleased to report a successful defense of the sugar factory. Excellent scenario Tony L will claim he had the worst of the dice rolls and he is right particularly in assaults, when after every semi successful attack he made my counter attack was as successful and sometime more successful giving me time to rally and reinforce the assault hexes. This one favours the rebels but this is still a good scenario, and if I play it a third time I will take the Indians and try and take that bloody factory

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