Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
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Author Retiredgrunt17
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2017-10-05
Language English
Scenario KRBT015

In this scenario, all the leaders had high leadership values. This made for some really intense action as both sides made (I believe) more stronger attacks than average. It also enabled more units to survive attacks and/recover from disruption/demoralization. This in turn allowed for more vicious follow on attacks. Great fun.

Turn 1-2. The German advanced on Teploe with 2 turns or preliminary bombardment.

Turn 3-9. The Germans advance the Panzer III flame tanks and engineers in to the town. After. Tough fight the Soviets are eliminated in the town. BUT. During the time it took to take the town and push elements around the flanks, the Soviets received 22 platoons, well over a battalion,mod reinforcements. Given the situation, the Germans plow ahead in to the ridge. The German units had already pushed in on the Soviets flanks, which were not dug in.

Turn 10-12. The Soviets counterattack with armor on their left, but are unable to maintain forward progress, and holding what they had gained was impossible, so they pulled back. The Germans retained control of the town at the base of the ridge. Both sides suffered heavy losses.

Turn 13-16. The soviets force a grinding attrition battle, where the leaders of both sides are making it quite the scrum. The Soviets are forced to give ground, begrudgingly.

Turn 16-18. The Soviets form a horseshoe perimeter and retain the bulk of the ridge. , including all 40 meter hills. The Germans, however, push through some units on the flank out of the Soviet line of fire. 2 full platoons of armor and 8 steps of artillery and infantry exit off. Up to this point the Soviets had a very small advantage. With the Germans exiting those units, they earned a hard, well earned victory.

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