Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Ettelbrook...chaos, chaos, chaos
Author Retiredgrunt17
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2017-09-29
Language English
Scenario BaBu043

This was a game of chaos. For the US, everything that could go wrong, did. I look forward to trying this one again. Seeing how it would go given the random element of die rolling for the German forces entry and reinforcements would be interesting as to see how the US would do with dice rolls being less catastrophic.

Turn 1-4. These could be seen as the defining turns of the game. The Germans rolled 6s each turn, allowing 2 105s, (transported by trucks), 5 platoons of Grenadiers and 3 platoons of HMG to enter practically on top of Ettelbruck. The Germans may as well have set up in the town as they effectively blocked any idea of moving any US platoons to the town quickly by truck and waiting for reinforcements themselves. The US would have to try and take and already fortified town.

Turn 5-14. The US units push up map 9 and 10, taking disruption and demoralization from German artillery, both OBA and the 105s. The US, trying to avoid losses until the assault, staying far enough back on the ridge on board 10 so as to not take fire from German units on the ridge west of Ettelbruck on board 12. US units that tried to spot for mortars to fire on the German units on the ridge were disrupted and unable to bring down effective fire. The result was the Germans not only occupied the town but they also had 3 platoons dug in on the ridge. The Germans did lose 3 steps to other platoons, which were withdrawn in to the town.

Turn 15-19. The US gets arty and attempt to cut down the Germans on the ridge above Ettelbruck. The fire disrupts, but there is no demoralization or step losses. As turn 20 sees more German reinforcements, smoke is payed and an assault is attempted. It actually goes well at first as one dug in platoon is eliminated. However, it goes badly from there. One US platoon is eliminated and German arty is called down on US units joining the assault.

Turn 19-25. The US calls in the remainder of its smoke and manages to recover and eliminate the rest of the Germans dug in on the ridge. The Germans have lost 9 steps to the US 4. The German got their reinforcements and the town is now heavily fortified. The US has to go for broke.

Turn 26-32. The US tries in vain to get enough fire concentrated to get a toehold on the town. The Germans trade losses for time, replacing losses in the front line as they occur, even counterattacking the US forces on the ridge. (Wasn't a good move, but held the US up). In the end the US lose 11 total steps with nothing to show other than holding the high ground. German victory.

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