Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Kursk Burning Tigers Scenario 1-A Grunt's View AAR
Author Retiredgrunt17
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2017-09-08
Language English
Scenario KRBT001

Turns 1, 2, 3. The Soviets move their armor forward. Both sides trade artillery and mortar fire with minimal results. The Germans deploy their 50mm ATG forward in the center. The Germans expend their OBA on the center Soviet position, get some disruption and assault. The Soviets lose 1T-34b step but hold the center. The Germans haVe massed their forces in depth for an all out assault in the center.

Turn 4. The German armor reinforcements do not make it on the map. The German air misses. The Soviets lose 3 more steps in the center as the Germans keep grinding out the attack.

Turn 5, 6, 7. The Germans keep pressure on the center. The Soviets have to keep their armor committed to the German flanks. The center remains a bitterly contested battle with the Soviets holding on, but the German assaults and artillery are taking their toll on both Soviet infantry and armor. The Soviets lose their Su-122, having left them too far forward.

Turn 8, 9, 10. Constant back and forth fighting as both sides reinforce their fronts. The Germans finally take the right most peak of the Soviet occupied center hill. To keep a hold of the left peak, the Soviets commit T-34s in an attempt to retain the position.

Turn 11. The German armor finally arrives, pushing forward in the center and on the German right.

Turn 12, 13. The German air whiffs. Both sides try to recover the numerous disrupted and demoralized units in the center.

Turn 14. The Germans finally clear the entrenchments on the first hill. Soviet armor pushes deep in to the German left flank however, constituting a serious threat to the German mortars and 20mm batteries. The Germans are forced to reorient some of their armor to counter the Soviet threat.

Turn 15, 16. The German armor eliminates the Soviet armor leader on the German left, but not before the Soviets eliminate a 20mm battery. Soviet infantry, counterattacking on the German left, is caught in the open and demoralized. The Soviets, losing ground in the center and on the right, pull infantry and armor back on line with the second Russian position in the center.

Turn 17, 18. The Soviets, having suffered steady losses, are to the breaking point. The Soviet armor fell back behind the main line to be able to respond to a thrust by the German armor in the center. The German armor pushed forward, but only enough to stretch the already thin Soviet defenses. After another German assault in the center and the thin Soviet line snapped.

At this point, the Soviets were broken. They had neither the strength to hold what positions they had, or take what they had lost. The VP tally was Germans 36 Soviets 7.

In the end a breakthrough had been made by the armor in the center. But, with the Soviets still having some of their armor and occupying the remainder of their positions, the Germans did not push forward and get the spearhead cut off.

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