Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Fierce Fight in the Forest
Author waynebaumber
Method Solo
Victor Romania
Play Date 2017-07-16
Language English
Scenario AGSU004

This action has the Romanian 5th Cavalry Division trying to hinder the Soviet advance. The Russian forces outnumber the Romanians but have tricky terrain to advance through and also have the difficult VC's to chase. The cavalry advance guard will have to slow the Soviet advance until the bulk of the division arrives to support them, so they deploy mainly on the edge of the woods on board 9, with a few platoons thrown forward to cause the Russian's deploy from march order. The Soviets deploy in three groups with the central force being the stronger. The initial turns were spent in moving the to contact, the Soviet forces brush aside the initial Romanian platoons and advance to the tree line, the next few turns see little fighting as the Cavalry retire slowly through the wood, meanwhile the reinforcements have arrived and have begin to dig in on the road, as the advance guard pull back to the end of the wood they halt to face the Russian sledgehammer. The Soviet attack so far had been well handled but disruptions were starting to effect the cohesion of the Red Army. However confidence was still high in the upper echelons of the Soviets as their INF & SMG units assault the Romanian line. The Romanian line holds pretty firm and in fact the cavalry launch two old fashioned charges which tie up a Russian INF company. As the Russian flanking forces emerge from the woods they are met by the final Romanian reserves and intense mortar fire, the battle now became a series of individual assaults all over the map. During this phrase of the battle both commanders were killed, the Romanian COL leading his men in a third charge the Russian COL killed by a stray shell from the meager Romanian OBDA. The heart of the Romanian defense were two dug in HMG platoons both supported by nearby cavalry forces, these two outposts one each end of the road, were going to hold out till the end of the game thereby gaining a Romanian minor victory. Cracking scenario this going all the way to the last turn, the Soviet commander prehaps erred by trying to assault his way through the Romanian lines were maybe moving close and using firepower would have been the better option.

2017-07-16 20:44

A five is high praise from Wayne Baumber! Can you elaborate a bit on what in particular really made this scenario great? Was it just the tension up until the last turn?

2017-07-18 07:15

A good question Shad, any 4+ rating from me means that its a pretty good scenario, this one got a 5 because it was fun to play, was tense towards the end and was far better than my expectations. I rate scenarios as follows, A 1 is a totally unplayable as it stands scenario, or badly written VC's or special rules which effect the games enjoyment and balance. A 2 rating means there are flaws with the scenario, which effect balance or enjoyment as above but to a lesser degree, 3 is your average PG fare with no huge issues in regards to balance or VC's but no huge wow factor either. 4's are good scenarios fun to play and usually but not always well balanced. A 5 is a 4 which has just ticked all my boxes on that particular day, I suspect that if time allowed and I went back to some of my 5 rated games they may drop to a 4 and vice-versa. I would be interested to see how many people read the AARs before playing a scenario, I tend not to normally but will read them after the game.

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