Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Conquest of Ethiopia, scenario #1: Initial Troubles
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Ethiopia
Play Date 2017-05-07
Language English
Scenario COOE001

Conquest of Ethiopia, scenario #1: Initial Troubles

My first play in this game and I have been looking forward to it as the subject really interests me but I was just too busy with other things until now. I played the first scenario, with low counter density, one map and only 8 turns, so combat has to be fast and furious!

The Ethiopians have a smaller force but a huge advantage, with being dug-in, a fort, higher morale and time is on their side, as all they have to do is defend and be able to put direct fire somewhere on the trial at the end of play to win. The Italians have a large group of colonial BAN/Eritrean tribe troops with two Italian officers but a very low morale of 6/5. To make matters worst I drew a Italian TEN with a 6 morale value which looks to be of little help. The cool Amba’ circle terrain is ignored, so I’ll have to play a different scenario to try this type of terrain out but the maps in this game are awesome!

The first couple of turns the Italian maneuver on board but must attack immediately to have any chance of achieving their victory conditions. With a range of one, they have to pull adjacent to the Ethiopian troops and take a beating and what survives can attack next turn but with such a low morale most are demoralized and retreating with no chance of coming back or are disrupted. The Ethiopian win a clear and decisive victory. Even if they scenario was lopsided, I still really enjoyed it and the fast play of this small scenario.

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