Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Broken Axis, scenario #10, Sabaoani Crossroads
Author JayTownsend
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2017-04-29
Language English
Scenario BrAx050

Broken Axis, scenario #10, Sabaoani Crossroads

I saw this scenario and thought it offered a lot of unique units and an interesting situation and it wasn’t too large, to take me out of my current Korean War mood. I do wish the number sequencing remained the same throughout the scenario book, regardless of topic however. Just easier to reference.

This scenario pits Romanian and Germans against Soviets and it is all about town control victory conditions, nothing else matter, not even casualties, my kind of scenario! Of course the Axis setup and the Russian approaches are also key to winning this scenario. The Russian closed with tank riders who jumped off their vehicle right before enemy fire contacted them. It turned into kind of a slugfest engagement. The Axis had entrenchment counters and Dragon’s Teeth ringing the town but a few opening as well. There is no off-board artillery on either side so it’s a bloody fight.

Both sides take some tank losses and then the Infantry assaults start up, the German lose their 75mm AT gun and halftrack (I assume it was a German halftrack to go with the gun in setup). Those Romanian engineer units are tough in urban combat and engineers are always my favorite infantry type of unit to have around in any scenario, as they offer so many different advantages. In the end, two town hexes were Axis controlled, two town hexes were Soviet controlled and two town hexes were in dispute, so a total Draw. I guess, one dice roll either way and it would have changed the outcome of this scenario, very balanced in my play. Cool tanks on each side as well.

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