Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Caught Flat Footed
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2017-02-26
Language English
Scenario PaNi002

A time limit caused the game to end ata halfway point but outside of some really lucky dice, a draw was pretty much a given. I tried to breach the river in 5 places to get as many US troops north of the major river on board 20, taking advantage of having 5 engineer platoons and some good crossing numbers. Russian armor reinforcements available on turn 3 or later still hadn't showed on turn 8, but the large mixed infantry and armor force that could entr from the US right flank came as soon as they were available. The US had lost 2 steps of engineers to artillery fire, slowing things down, but having the attack on the flank while the US was so spread out was devastating. The Russians had already lost their initiative but a lucky roll for a Soviet entrnchment being assaulted by a good combined arms team, destroying mostof that team, left the US witha big hoe in the center. The need to occupy as much of board 20 was looking more and more difficult as mt armor and infantry rushed to strengthen the right flank instead of mainain the offensive. Engineers in the 0705 and 0704 river hexes continued to push troops across but were nw under direct infantry and rmor fire while the US brigade commander directed defensive fire from infantry in the town hexes at 0804 and 0803. A slug fest was developig, one I just ran out of time to play out. Good game.

One small issue with the scenario is that the large Soviet reinforcement group is to come in on the east edge of the board. Since the US forces are south of the river, I presumed that the Soviets entered the east edge of the board north of the river. This is still devastating without having part of them come in south of the river and hitting both sides of the bridgeheads.

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