Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Battke of the Bulge Scenario 13
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2017-01-15
Language English
Scenario BaBu013

The American light tank company doesnt really have a shot of exiting the board in this one unless the Germans make a mistake. They set up their 50 guarding the road into the southern town, and their 75 protecting the right flank. The Stug set up in the woods on the left, but continually counter moved the advancing M5s that attempted to skirt around them.

The game really develops into the stuarts moving towards a flank, and the Stug moving to stop them, over and over and over again. Ultimately with time pressing up against the limit, the Americans made a last ditch attempt to get a crossfire shot on the Stug by winning initiative by 2 activations. They did not, but had nothing to lose. Germans win.

If the scenario had more maps available, or the Germans one less AT gun, this could be very interesting, but this might tilt it into the Americans favor too much. Ultimately, the tanks were destroyed historically though, so meh.

Despite being completely one sided, even with heavy maneuvering, this scenario is ultimately very different than the rest, and is a refreshing change of pace from staggered German forces crossing board 9 and invading the outnumbered Americans on board 10 : )

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