Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
An Easy Race for the Americans
Author rerathbun
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2016-12-01
Language English
Scenario Airb018

Like a previous reviewer, I found the scenario very much influenced by the luck of the dice. The Germans started with no units on the board. They got the 37mm on turn one and the 20mm and one Grenadier platoon on turn 2. Meantime, the Americans raced along the road from the town on board 3. The tank platoon went on ahead and took cover in the field nearest the town on board 1.

The Germans got their last two platoons on in time to make it a race, but American artillery disrupted one and demoralized the other, putting them out of the scenario until very late. The remaining German platoon at least forced the American tanks out into the open, blocking the road so that the American platoons could beat them to the town.

The German 37mm got some long-range shots at the tanks, but never got close to the 12 they needed to damage the Stuarts. German artillery did disrupt one and demoralize the other infantry platoon, but the demoralized unit promptly fled to the town. The disrupted unit recovered in time to make it into the town at the same time as the American machine gun unit.

Two German platoons charged the town in desperation on the next-to-last turn, but lost three steps due to opportunity fire.

The Americans had all their units in the town (one of them still demoralized) at the end of the game for the win.

The scenario plays through very quickly due to the few units (especially the Germans early on), but it would be much better if the outcome wasn't so dependent on the dice for the German arrival.

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