Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Too Tough a Nut to Crack
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2016-09-19
Language English
Scenario AAAD010

The Germans have a really tough set of objectives in this one: Kick all the US units off of the 3 hills on board 76 and be in sole possession of the 60m hilltop there. The US has to kill 10 steps of Germans to force the Germans to have to do both objectives to get a draw. I set up the US forces in outposts starting west of the north-south trail on board 77 so that three outposts of infantry and HMGs covered the front with some ability to hit just about anything that came forward, with the M6 and a towed 37 dug in behind that front and another backup force of US infantry on the 40m hilltop on the western half of board 77, and placed the US 105s, and the other 37mm AT gun with the US LTC on the 60m hilltop on board 76 with outposts on the eastern edges of that large hill with the US 81mm mortars on the northeastern hex and more infantry in the southeastern hex. All US troops were dug in. Germans started out on the ridge to the east of the trail with infantry and HMGs on the north and south ends of their line and tanks in the middle, hoping to strike and overwhelm the US outposts and let the tanks drive up and engage the US as early as possible to take the large hill on board 76. The plan started to fail quickly as US arty started damaging German infantry stacks, and German artillery failed to do any damage before German elements of 2 or 3 stacks of infantry/HMG groups assaulted the US outposts. Those US troops took a toll of the Germans in the moments that they had to stop adjacent before ascending the slopes and assaulting. German losses surpassed the 10 steps by the end of turn 3, with the loss of 3 of the 4 German LTs and surviving steps demoralized and falling back. The German armor found itself in the middle of the AT fire from the M6, the two 37mm guns and the 105, which while not killing them, kept them from being more aggressive. The chance for the US infantry still on the large hill to assault the tanks also made them keep a distance where their direct fire values failed to hurt the defenders. As the tanks advanced on the two US outposts on that large hill, the outposts simply fell back to reinforce the guns on the hilltop. With no leaders within spotting distance, the German arty was of no help there. The German infantry had fallen back with what leaders they still had to the starting line, with German arty throwing their shells to no effect. At the end of 6 turns, with little the Germans could do to take that hilltop and from there the other hill hexes on board 77, I called it a game. US victory.

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