Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Hold-Em and Run!
Author arixius
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2016-08-27
Language English
Scenario EFDx062

The Soviets must cross the board and pass through a line of entrenched Germans to escape off the southern edge. The Germans form a line blocking the open passages to the south (west side and center) and set up fire lanes in the forest road (east side). The Soviets advance taking advantage of the fields and wood in three groups to keep the Germans guessing on where the crossing will occur.

The west group advances and its front line smashes into entrenched and dug-in Germans. Many Soviets perish but some survive to keep the Germans attention while their friends attempt to dash by. With the other two advancing groups pausing the Germans in the center and east chose to remain at their posts.

The center Soviet group swings west and advances to the embroiled west zone while the east group patiently for the German line to thin out.

Several Soviets exited the south edge as they pass assault hexes. The Germans begin to move west to block a possible flood. The east Soviet group swings west to enter the center passage and ... get stuck. Only two hapless platoons managed to move into the center passage and were blasted by OBA and Opp Fire.

The Soviet just need to eliminate one more German step to obtain a win. That's when the game stalled. It took 11 turns to eliminate just ONE German. Almost three game-hours! Once that finally happened the mad rush south occurred and their were just too many targets for the Germans.

By noon (about 2/3rds into the game) there were too few Soviets on board to enable the German to win and the game was called.

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