Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Confused Arms or Hillbilly Slap Therapy.
Author PG-Tank Dude
Method Solo
Victor Slovak Republic
Play Date 2010-08-06
Language English
Scenario FiAx001

Situation: Hungarians have taken over a hill in Slovakian territory. Slovakia is sending a force to teach them the error of their ways.

Turns: 12

Victory Conditions: 1 VP for each undemoralized friendly step that occupies a 20m hill hex at end of play. 2 VP for each undemoralized friendly step that occupies a 40m hill hex at end of play. 1 VP for each enemy step eliminated or which is demoralized at end of play.

Set-up: Hungary, with 4 INF dig in 2 each on a 20m and 40m hill with a Hadnagy (2nd Lt.) commanding all 4. An NHP with a Szazados (Captain) commanding is setup on the northern edge of town to keep Slovakia from making use of it as cover. Slovakia, forms up on Northern edge with 2 details consisting of 2 INF and 1 HMG each. One is led by a Stotnik (Captain) the other is led by a Porocik (Lt.). Two more INF are escorting a 75 MTN field gun, commanded by another Porocik.

Turn 1: Hungarians win initiative but patiently wait. Slovakian Stotnik activates everyone and moves forward.

Turn 2: Stotnik again chain activates everyone. Field gun moves to south edge of the northern town un-noticed. Porocik moves his two INF just outside of town under the gaze of the NHP - which holds its fire for a better opportunity.

Turn 3: Field gun unlimbers. Porocik activates, sending one INF toward the southern town. NHP op-fires at 2 hex range and demoralizes the INF. Porocik valiantly leads his other INF to reinforce his demoralized troops, getting himself and his troops disrupted by the NHP's 2nd op-fire. All other units move closer to the town.

Turn 4: Slovakian INF units trade fire with NHP for no results. Porocik is able to rally himself and his troops. Field gun makes itself know in a dramatic way, demoralizing the NHP.

Turn 5: All Slovakian units move next to NHP, which has recovered to disrupted.

Turns 6 & 7: Stotnik combines fire of 4 INF and 2 HMG on NHP, getting a step loss and a demoralization. Thinking his Porocik and his 2 INF can handle the rest, he takes his other Porocik, 4 INF (losing one step to op-fire) and 2 HMG up to the hill. Field gun is able to demoralize both dug in units on the 20m hill. Porocik left to mop up the NHP fails to live up to his Stotnik expectations.

Turns 8 & 9: Field gun is able to get 2 more disruptions. Porocik in town thinks bringing in another INF unit will help matters. It doesn't.

Turns 10-12: Fearing time is running short, the Slovakians go all out. Field gun is unable to match any of its earlier successes and all assaults are only able to achieve a few disruptions and demoralizations. A Hungarian INF seeing its chance ignorantly assaults the Stotnik and his 2 HMG's and INF (1 HMG is demoralized and the INF is disrupted), losing a step loss for its recklessness.

Slovakia wins (if you can call it that) 8vp's to 6.

Conclusion: This is a very quick scenario with the first 3 turns of one side only activating and moving its units. This scenario didn't turn out like I thought it was going to. One of two things could have been done differently I believe to change the outcome. Either I should have kept the Stotnik and all of the troops beside the town for one more turn to finish off the NHP and then move all of the units up the hill, or, had the Stotnik and all of his forces move up the hill without stopping by the town at all and let the one Porocik and his 2 INF deal with the NHP alone. I think the latter would have been the better option considering the Field guns early achievements of demoralizing and disrupting the units on the hill.

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