Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Repulsed at Tobruk
Author dreierj
Method Solo
Victor Australia, Britain, Italy
Play Date 2016-08-02
Language English
Scenario AfKo024

The Australians, knowing that the road would probably be vital to advancing German armor, set up their 2 lbrs and 25-lbrs along the road to the north. The German plan was to bombard entrenchments and assault/capture five of them before Australian reinforcements arrive, and get armor off the map to the north. Facing the Germans were AT ditches, wire, and mines. It looked daunting for the Germans.

In the first hour, the German scout platoon was able to direct artillery on one entrenchment; however, the Australians maintained their composure. The scouts would soon have some company as the German 8th Machine Gun Battalion arrived at midnight.

At this point, the German plan was to have the 8th MG and supporting artillery attack the center of the Australian defensive line and create a breach in the line of AT ditches and wire. The 5th Panzer Regiment would arrive soon, and would attempt to push through on the road, using the limited visibility to minimize losses from the AT guns. In the end, this strategy backfired.

Just as the 5th Panzer was arriving, the 8th MG had largely moved through the AT ditches and entered the wire. Opportunity fire from a couple of entrenchments was ineffective. The situation at 0300 found two entrenchments being assaulted by the Germans. Instead of taking time to fill in AT ditches while under fire, the 8th MG surged forward and cleared some wire in the center. They lost a couple of steps in the process. Meanwhile, the 5th Panzer approached the road (one of only a couple of places where there was no AT ditch), and would soon encounter the 2 lbrs dug in along the road on the other side of the wire. The Germans by now had also lost all three increments of off-board artillery due to unfortunate die rolls.

At 0345, the Germans were still assaulting two entrenchments and setting up for another. The Australians got a break as a favorable die roll permitted both B and D companies to move toward the entrenchments being assaulted. Meanwhile, the German armor was running through the gauntlet of 2 lbrs and actually lost a platoon of PzIIIFs in a crossfire. The 25 lbrs on the other side of the hill to the north waited for the survivors.

The loss of some armor and a few infantry steps due to artillery, had resulted in enough steps lost to meet one of the Australian victory conditions. If they could prevent the Germans from taking more than one entrenchment, and keep remaining armor from exiting to the north, they might be victorious. Dawn was approaching, and the increasing visibility will certainly be a factor.

At 0400, the German armor survived opportunity fire from the 25 lbrs as they ran the gauntlet and exited the map. Two platoons of PzII were destroyed by accurate AT fire just inside the defensive line. In the center, the Australians were stubbornly hanging on as three of the entrenchments were being assaulted. Dawn was breaking at 0530, and the German continued to face tough resistance at the three entrenchments, at times with only a single reduced unit fighting off German assaults (several great die rolls). By now, Australian reinforcements (Companies B and D, and armor) were arriving. At this point, it did not look as if the German could take the five entrenchments, but they might earn a draw if they could get two of them.

The situation at 0930 found the German desperately assaulting five entrenchments, but none were successful. By sending all armor units off the map, they left none to support the assaults on the entrenchments. The assaults bogged down into a long game of attrition; the Germans were losing a lot of steps in the process as the Australians reinforced the entrenchments with armor.

The Australians won the battle. They had not allowed any entrenchments to be taken, although five were contested at the end. They had also eliminated over 24 German steps (four times that needed to meet the victory condition). It would be interesting to try this long scenario again, but use the panzers to support assaults before moving north.

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