Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Djebel Trouble
Author Schoenwulf
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2016-06-12
Language English
Scenario AAAD008

The German Panzer Division Herman Göring continued to push west and engaged elements of the US Combat Command B, 1st Armored Division at Djebel el Guessa on December 6, 1942. A little past 1000 hours, 6 infantry platoons loaded on Hanomags joined two motorcycle platoons to reconnoiter the southern flank of the American lines. The US position was anchored on the northwest 60m hill by two M3/105 and three mortar platoons forming a bombardment group. They were protected on their left flank, center and right flank by infantry and HMG platoons placed with M3 units. A 37AT unit was placed directly east of the bombardment group, and a 37AA just west. An M-6 tank destroyer, a T-30 unit and two platoons of M-3/75s were positioned along with infantry on or behind the hills and wadis to the east, and on both the north and south sides of the trail. The Germans continued to press the east American pickets with infantry & panzer units in the center eliminating an M3/75, and panzer & motorcycle units to the north. A company of fallschirmjägers moved cautiously south toward the northwest 60m hill. By 1100, the German pressure on both the northern and southern flanks was building despite the loss of an SPW.251 and infantry platoon to an M6 on the US south flank. Shortly thereafter, a Sherman platoon accompanied by 6 platoons of Lees arrived from the west, but not in time to prevent a successful German assault on the southwest 40m ridge. The Lee platoons and the US battery on the 60m hill continued to wreak havoc on the Germans, the former eliminating both a Grille and a Marder, and the latter destroying a German Major and his three mortar units. Then, a Ju.88 and OBA disrupted the battery, effectively neutralizing it Both the M6 and a T-30 in the Allied center fell to German armor, and the German armor superiority began to tell as the Lee platoons on the south flank were incinerated. From 1215-1345 hours, the fighting centered along the trail southeast of the 60m hill. Eventually, the Sherman platoon was driven back in disarray, and the Allied position fell allowing the Germans to move up the hillside at approximately 1400 hours. The Germans broke through the limited resistance on the north flank at about the same time, and motorcycle troops had moved to a position west of the 60m hill. Thus, the Germans had the hill, which had limited Allied strength except for a strong line on the north side, effectively surrounded. With help from a Bf.109 squadron, the Germans foot units closed on the 40m ridge perimeter of the big hill, while a Pz.IVH and a Pz.IVF2 held the remaining Lee platoons at bay. As the battle ended at 1445 hours, the Germans had partial control of the summit, and it was clear that the Americans could not hold them off despite valiant efforts in close combat. The battle was declared a major German victory.

The scenario is a long, tough one for the Americans, who are trying to ultimately hold the western hills and trail despite having weaker armor The reinforcement armor for the US entered on Turn 5, which is about the same time the Germans finally got all their units on the board. The artillery convoy was held back intentionally until the risk of destruction by Allied SPA was reduced. German airpower only came into play on six turns, and two of those were misses; however, the two Ju.88 attacks did some significant damage to the Allied battery even though it was protected by a 37AA. The Americans were able to hold a portion of the key 60m hill at the end due to the fog-of-war rolls on 12 of the 20 turns, which moved the game along more quickly. But, not quickly enough, since the Germans scored 83 VP’s (4 for 60m hills, 16 for 40m hills, 7 for trail control, and 56 US steps eliminated) to the American total of 56 (2 for 60m hills, 15 for 40m hills, and 39 German steps eliminated).

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