Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
The LT Wins the Day
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2016-06-05
Language English
Scenario AirR012

This short 14-turn scenrios sees the US Airborne fight against their German counterpart from the Fallschirmjaegers.8 FJ plattons, 2 FJ HMGs, and an 81mm mortar are trying to take the bridge at hex 1013. 5 Para platoons and a PMG defend it. Whoever controls it in the end is the winner. The Germans hve to slog through the swmp or along the road (railroad is a rod for this scenario). The river can only be crossed at the bridge. The terrain makes it danferous for the defenders to set up in the brige hex so they set up adjacent in 1014 as well as 0915 and 0814, getting some goo DF opportunities as the Germans approach. The Fallschirmjaegers are as confident as the Paras, but taking turn fter turn of fire with only artillery answeing takes it's toll. The Paras lose a step toan artillery hit roll of 2, and the PMG is also reduced by adjcent DF before the German Major tries to take 1014 by assult hoping to push the Pars away from the bridge, and things look preyy dicey for a bit, but another Para platoon joins in the melee, the Germans lose 2 steps and are forced to flee the hex. DF from the other US units has destroyed the stack of Germans holding the bridge, and a 7-0-0 LT and one Para platoon retakes the bridge hex. With two turns remaining, the Germans call it a day, having lost over 60% of their startinbg force, with much of the rest having fled the field or finding themselves leaderless. US victory. Great game.

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