Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
great rural assault scenario
Author t1M0t8yk (United States)
Victor United States
Participants unknown
Play Date 2016-04-11
Language English
Scenario WiSo017

My limited PG experience has been dominated by urban assault scenarios. One of the reasons I liked this scenario so much is that as it played out for me and Mike it was a rural assault scenario.

I finally beat Mike! It was very bloody for the Yanks though. Mike set up his defenders on the hill. The Yanks gradually moved up, although with some caution because of the Panthers and StuGs. This scenario is a challenge for both sides. The Germans have superior armor, the Yanks have superior numbers. I gradually wore Mike down, benefiting from timely shots to destroy his AFVs. It required a lot of patience as pitched battles raged along the ridgeline.

In the end Mike lamented a suboptimal setup. He defended the hill too strongly. As I gradually wore down the less numerous German defenders I was able to divert a small amount of armor to take the town easily. Very solid scenario, and one I will want to revisit.

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