Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Still looking for the right strategy
Author wleonard1
Method Solo
Victor Japan
Play Date 2016-03-15
Language English
Scenario KoCa003

A small Australian force - 5 platoons - has a choice of 4 ways to earn victory points. The Australians earn victory points by eliminating Japanese steps, holding village hexes, holding an airfield, or exiting the board. The Japanese forces, reinforced since the previous scenario, have the same objectives, except for exiting the board. For the Japanese side, given the short scenario length of 7 turns, a direct charge at the closest Australian forces in the village seems the only option. Opportunity fire from the defenders costs Japan a step and demoralizes the rest of the stack, but those are the last significant losses the Japanese will suffer. The Australians slowly lose steps to assaults and free shot exits. The last two turns see the Japanese reach the airfield, and the Australian survivors start to exit. Major Japanese victory by 19 to 4.

Lessons learned? The Japanese player might have tried to detach one or two platoons to block the Australian escape route, but it would be difficult to improve on the assaults. For Australia, a smaller force in the village might have delayed the Japanese as much as the larger force did, and a stronger airfield garrison might have held on. Or the Australians might have forgone opportunity fire and headed straight for the exits.

Multiple objectives and the short time frame make this an interesting scenario to play, despite the imbalance in forces .

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