Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Another Mudder of a Day
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2016-02-28
Language English
Scenario InoG018

The 8 turn scenario forces the US to push down a road into ajacent hex range in order to have a chance in this little gem. Germans hold a town with 4 entrenchments and 3 strongpoints and a force of 5 Grens, 1 HMG, an 81mm mortar, a 20mm gun, a 75mm AT gun, wagons to tow the guns, and a StuG IIIG, with 2 16 fctor OBAs. The US attacks with 5 Inf, an Eng, 2 HMGs, 2 M4s, 2 M4/76s, 2 M5s, an81mm mortar, and 9 halftracks. The Germans set up the entrenchments south of town starting adjacent to but not blocking the road and then to the northeast and northwest hexes still adjacent to the town. I randonly drew and placed the 3 stronpoints without looking at them, the first blocking the road at the south edge of town, the other two northeast and northwest in the first two town hexes. A Gren and the 20mm gun went in the entrenchment to the left of the road, the 75mm AT and a Gren in the entrenchment to the left of the road, an infantry in each of the other 2 entrenchments, and the mortar and HMG in the middle of town at 0709, and lastly the StuG at 0710, hoping to ambush or assault anything that got into town. The US started down the road with the M5s leading as happened historically, followed by the Shermans and then the halftracks. I kept the Major, an infantry and an engineer dismounted and moving forward to the left and the Cpt and 2 infantry dismounted and moving forward on the right. The mortar moved up for one turn before dismounting on the road hex in the edge of the woods where his LT coul also spot for OBA. The plan worked pretty well, and while the first two turns saw the 75mm AT gun roll moified 13s, killing both M5s early, OBA and direct fire killed both AT and AA guns, allowing the armor to assault the first town hex and the Major with his stack to assault the first entrenchment on the left. As it happened, the 3 strongpoints pulled and placed were 1 3-4 nd 2 unoccupied, so the assault on the one blocking the road opened the door and there ended up being nothing immediately beyond the door to stop the US attack. The Major on the US left and the captain on the US right assaulted entrenchements, the Major not so lucky even with the engineers but the captain took his with little trouble after the AT gun had already been destroyed by OBA and the infantry was demoralized. Tanks and haltracks ran into town to soften up defended hexes while one infantry/hmg/halftrack stack was assaulted by the last German defenders in town being the German captain leading a Gren, an HMG and the StuG. German rolls 7, US rolls 3, StuG loses a step and everyone else is disrupted or demoralized. In the end, the US holds 2 entrenchments an 3 town hexes, with 14 German step losses, vs the Germans holding 12 points of town hexes, the remaining town and entrenchment hexes being challenged in assaults, and the US having lost only the 8 steps from the M5s, 27 points to 20, US marginal win. The muddy conditions and bad weather, aside from keeping vehicles on the road and slightly slowing down foot troops, had little overall effect. I did discover that one assault on an entrenchment included a US Sherman that shouldnt have been there due to the mud but only as I pulled the counters from the board. Count that overzealous tank platoon as having bogged down but maintained their firepower in support of the infantry and engineers. Great little game.

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