Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Tough Slog to Win
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2016-02-27
Language English
Scenario InoG013

This scenario is based on the US tank ace, SSG Pool's final action before being wounded an sent home. The Germans have 10 Grenadiers, 3 HMGs, 2 81mm mortars, a 75mm Infantry gun, 2 75/41 AT guns, wagons to tow the guns, a Hetzer and a Panther platoon to hold the 13 town and village hexes on boards 22 and 24 against 6 infantry, 2 HMGs, 2 M4s, 2 M4/76s, 2 M18s, an 81mm mortar and enough halftracks to transport all the foot troops. US has 2 OBAs of 18 each to the Germans 3 16s, and the US suffers ammo shortages for the OBA. The US gets 1 aircraft anytime the variable weather gives a visibility of 12. Ammo shortage and weather meant that OBA and air support were only available about half the time, though the planes did do at least a step loss with most of their shots while the arty failed to do any damage at all. The Germans were set up with infantry and 1 HMG in the southern 2 town hexes, another infantry and a 75/41 AT gun in the next town hex north, and the other 75/41 in the town hex to the east trying to establish a cross fire on any armor that drove between them. The rest of the Germans set up in the large town and the northwest village, hoping to make the US troops pay for each town hex. The US came in with 3 groups, with the mortar and 1 infantry mounted and supported by the M18s on the US right, the tanks in the middle with M4s on the road and an M4/76 to either side, while the mounted infantry came in on the US left. The AT gun closest to the midle took out an M4/76 step immediately, which sort of fit SSG Pool's being hit in ambush. The rest of the tanks made it to the southern town hexes and used the town to mask them from possible fire from the village to their right. The M18s moved over the small hill and got into a tank duel with the Hetzer that was set up in light woods next to the southeastern town, and the M18s took 2 step losses but succeeded in killing the Hetzers while the US infantry split up, half driving through the fields to assault the central town while the rest moved north to attempt a flank attack or possible attack on the northwestern town, which if successful, would leave them in a good position to take the large town from the less protected rear. The south central town hexes fell quickly, losing most of the defending infantry and HMGs, a Captain being lost in the process while an LT fled with a surviving infantry step. Mustangs hit the town hex just north of the first two town hexes and killed the AT gun and one step of German infantry there, the other step of infantry falling back demoralized. The US mortar set up on the southeast hill called fire missions and air strikes unsuccessfully on the southeastern town hex, wich had to be taken by assault by armored infantry, finally clearing the US right flank. Tanks moved forward to the light woods to prepare for assault with the infantry, but the Panthers took the moment to come out of town and start dueling with the Shermans. The Panthers eliminated steps of two M4s before being killed by the remaining M4/76. 2 stacks of armored infantry assaulted the village on the northwest hill, chasing one surviving step and an LT out and moving to attack the large town from the north while the US LTC lead the rest of the armored infantry in assault from the light woods. In hind sight, it might have been wise to keep the Panthers concealed in the town, but the possibility of taking out all the Shermans and keeping the armored infantry away from the town just seemed to good to pass up. For the last half of the game, US troops assaulted from 2 directions, trading casualties, losing the last steps of the M18s and M4s but taking all but 3 town hexes while killing most of the defenders. In the end, having playe to the bitter end, the US won a major victory, 60 to 28 figuring in the town hex and casualty points. Interesting scenario that I hope to run again in miniatures. Great game.

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