Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Tough Japanse but bad initial placement
Author Warhawk1955 (Japan)
Method Face to Face
Victor Japan
Participants Dan_Huffman (AAR)
Play Date 2016-02-21
Language English
Scenario Saip016

My Initial placement of my only anti-armor unit. I should have put in on the hill overlooking the main road, but I figured Dan would try and sneak up the other side of the board. His initial move looked like I was correct and my mortars blasted a stack of marines. But this was a head fake and i had to shift to my left and leaving the dug in protection to slow the advance of the marines. For most of the rest of the games the Marines advanced and on my troops. Dan did make a miss-step when he move next to a stack of inf who jumped into Assault with them and I rolled a 12. This took out his flanking attack so he just kept attacking straight a head. we both had some pretty tough Assaults and it came down to the final turn with the Marines assaulting the units in the cave. We both rolled and got the same M1 check but I survied and was not kicked out of the cave. Any time a game comes down the final turn with the outcom in doubt I consider it a great game.

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