Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Hitler Youth Lose Their Heads
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2016-01-01
Language English
Scenario WiSo025

This 12-turn scenario has 2 armored infantry companies with 2 HMGs' an Engineer and 2 Mortars and all their halftrack transports, supported by an M-16 AA halftrack, 2 Shermans and an M-18 Hellcat holding the central town on board 11 against 10 SS Grenadiers, 3 HMGs, 3 mortars, 2 engineers, a Panther ands 2 Mk IVHs who have to enter the board and kill as many US units as possible and take as many town hexes as possible. Icy weather makes all terrain go up by 1 movement point, so everything gets off to a slow start as German armor moves just ahead of the infantry but not far enough to become good assault targets, while the Germans can move their infantry just 2 hexes until they come through the woods. The larger group lead by the SS Colonel maneuvers to try to assault the western town hexes while the smaller group moves mortars into the light woods and tries to maneuver two stacks to assault from the east. As the US, I moved my shermans out of the town hoping for a bit of luck against the Mk IVs. Some luck. The Mk IVs rolled 2 modified 13s right off killing the Shermans. The M-18 moved into the northernmost town hex hoping to hit the Panther before going out, but again, the German armor rolled high and the Hellcats died without drawing blood. With this sort of start, it looked bad for the US troops, but luck was with the US in assaults, and having a clear field of fire as the Germans inched their way forward didnt hurt either as stacks of SS troops found themselves wiped out or reduced and demoralized all around the town. 2 assaults were managed, and the first in the northwestern edge of town cost the Germans the Panthers and all the infantry and even the Captain leading. This after the German Colonel fell to DF along with a step of infantry that he was leading. Over the course of the game, the Germans found themselves decapitated 3 times, leaving only the LTs working to lead what was left of their infantry. The last decapitation occured when the last Captain lead the 2 Mk IVs into an assault, only to lose a step of tanks and then roll a 2 on leader loss. Decapitation had little effect on the units with the exception of the 7-0-0 LT leading the mortars naturally, so the mortars were inneffective for several turns while the LT regaied his composure. At the end of turn 11, with 3 of 4 steps of Mk IVs destroyed and the last one demoralized, it was time to call it a game. 33 points for the US to 18 for the Germans, not counting the town hexes which were completely still in US hands. Major US victory. Great game.

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