Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Fields Littered With Enemy Dead
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2015-12-20
Language English
Scenario BaBu036

My second game in my own little Bulge Fest, this scenario has a battalion + of German grenadiers with a single StuG IIIG unit, 50mm and 75mm AT guns, 2 mortars and 30 column total of OBA. US troops are holding the large town on board 11 (hills dont exist so lines of sight/fire are pretty clear) with a company of combat engineers, a single infantry platoon, 3 M-7 Priests, a Sherman company, an M-8 scout, a Scott SP 75 howitzer, an M-5 Stuart,M-15 & M-16 AA halftracks and 2 M-18 Hellcats. I rolled an awful lot of 8s in this and the last game, when firepower should have been wiping Grenadiers out all around, but the Germans approached from both woods on board 8 trying to get to the town from one or the other. Germans in the northwest fared slightly better, coming to grips with and taking the single town hex in the woods west of the big town, chasing off the M-15 that had been holding that town and then moving through the woods to assault the M-15 and M-5 that it had stacked with, finally eliminating the M-15 before being decimated by the M-16 in the next hex. The troops approaching from the northeast ran into fire from the M-7s very quickly, and then fire from everything on the edge of town as they got closer. The German AT guns stayed in the southernmost town hex on board 10 where they could just manage shots at the Shermans, finally taking a single step of them before the Shermans fell back, but it wasn't much of a victory as the StuG III lost both steps. German troops and leaders were falling all over the fields between the northeast woods and the town. As one stack got in position to assault, the defender dice suddenly got hot and all leaders and half of the units in the stack died on more than one occasion. Suddenly the majority of surviving German leaders were trying to rally in the woods on board 10 as small stacks of leaderless troops slowly fell back to what little cover the light woods gave. With the Germans having lost over half of their starting force and the US having lost just 8 points, I called the game, US victory. Good game.

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