Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
No Chance Mr Manstein
Author vince hughes (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Soviet Union
Participants waynebaumber
Play Date 2008-10-10
Language English
Scenario EFDx040

This game was played way back in October 2008. It was chosen to go alon with the Sol'tsy scenarios as a way of seeing on the tabletop just how perilous the situation was for the German forces. On first glance of the forces involved, you'd think the Germans stand no chance - You might just be right !


The Germans had positioned themselves along the east-west road with Panzers protecting both ends of a long convoy of troop carrying trucks. Their plan had been to get their infantrymen to take positions in the copious wooded areas and allow their tanks to deal with the mass of Soviet infantry attacking them.

In the event, this proved a tactic that was unable to tempt and draw a Soviet attack on the Wehrmacht infantry positions. The Communist forces simply concentrated on the 20 tanks opposing them and after knocking out 6 of them, it was becoming apparent that Red infantrymen could not be stopped by tanks alone. Also, with a mass of artillery support against them, it was also impossible for the German infantry to show themselves for fear of being obliterated.

In the end, this proved a very very easy Soviet Victory. For the loss of a few pieces of artillery, the Russians had knocked out 6 tanks and forced the Axis troops away from the area with never a sniff of victory coming near their nostrils.

Quite unenjoyable as the Axis player. I'd love to see an Axis AAR on this where they have won to see how they managed it. I could not tempt the Russkie to attack my troops holding the woods, and therefore was given little option elsewhere to seek a win. Rated 1 by me as simply uninteresting .... Maybe the loss put bias in that rating

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