Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Hill Fight After Dark
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2015-11-19
Language English
Scenario AAAD026

This 14-turn scenario has a fairly low counter density making it ideal for my quiet day gaming at work, but adds fading daylight to force everyone to fire up as much ranged weapons as possible as early as possible so that they have done some damage before closing for assaults. The OBA is about equal in the 30 column for both sides, and both have 8 infantry and 2 HMGs, both have a good selection of leaders, enough anyway to do the job for both sides. US troops are holding the large 2-level hill on the west side of board 77, Germans get to set up on the south 7 hexes of board 78, and both sides can begin dug in. The Germans get the support of an 88, which I placed at the 7th row north of the edge, on the ridge where it could fire away at any worthy targets, and dug in the German mortars to the southwest corner on the hill there so that they could manage the 10-hex range to anything on the south side and middle of the target hill. There are enough German halftracks to make half of the force panzer grenadiers, the other half have to walk, so I gave the HMGs to the walkers and moved them from behind the central hill onto that hill on 78, hoping to draw some fire while the panzer grenadiers quickly moved around the western side of that hill, the German armor heading around the east side and aiming for the southeastern tip of the target hill, and the German 20mm AA and 75mm IG were towed by trucks (the 3rd truck was with the 88) and moved slowly onto the hill hoping to get a few shots in before dusk made them move forward. The US were set up so the 2 HMGs were on the eastern and western corners of the 20m level hill, each with an infantry platoon, all dug in, while the rest of the infantry were spread out in two more stacks along the south side of the hill so that every other hex was occupied, and the M-6 tank destroyer was set up between the eastern corner and the next infantry stack. Mortars and 37mm AT guns were dug in on the 40m hilltop and the 37mmAA gun was dug in on the southwestern-most 40m hilltop. US OBA disrupted parts of the German assault, but the first casualty was the M-6, taken out at range by the 88 before it could damage any of the Panzers. The Panzers made a successful end run around the hill and supported the first German infantry assault on the eastern hill hex, while additional stacks of Germans made contact with US troops all along the south side of the hill. Casualties were traded back and forth pretty evenly, but the Germans got the upper hand in all but one assault, where the US mortars just managed to hang on. While the darkness took hold (rolled random night visibility of 2), and assaults bogged down, the other Germans were making their way around the flanks and taking hill hexes, but there was still several contested hills in assault at the end. Both sides were tied at 10 casualty points each, hill control was 14 for the US and 10 for the Germans, and with a great chance for recovering troops of both sides stepping back in to hold an unoccupied hill hex at the last moment, I gave the game a draw as I ended it at the end of turn 10. Great little scenario.

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