Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Not So Forgone Today
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2015-10-24
Language English
Scenario FaLu001

This small fight pits a dug-in Luxembourg defense force against a battalion force of infantry and engineers with mortar and oba support. Luxembourg have no heavy weapons but defend 4 roadblocks, being the steel doors that are to slow down the Germans. I set up the roadblocks on east and west sides of the hill mass in the middle of board 25, 2 on the ground level and 2 on the hill, and had the dug-in troops adjacent in light wood, giving the Germans a -2 to fire between shooting uphill, into the woods at dug-in defenders. Germans swarmed into action, getting one stack of infantry and engineer onto a roadblock on turn 2 while the rest of the infantry and enginner stacks skirted the defenders to the south to come up on the western roadblocks. The Germans gave the eastern defenders some innefective DF and bombardment while the defenders returned fire just as innefectively, and the first demo charges failed to go off, making the Germans sweat just a bit. The western defense actually seemed to know how to hold their rifles as they disrupted the German stack for a few turns. Slowly, the western road blocks fell, and on turn 10, the second eastern roadblock also fell. The Germans were able to push back 3 platoons of defenders to keep them from being able to put an undemoralized unit next to an east-west road hex by the end of the game. Had one defending leader passed a morale check in time, the defenders were still within range to get that unit next to a road, but with no leader to motivate them, they were stuck watching the Germans regrouping. The eastern attack force had started to fall apart under demoralizing results but between the German units, they just managed a win. In the leader selection, all the Luxembourg leaders came out 7-0-0 except the Major, who was an 8-0-1. The Major fell and actually caused a turn or two of leadership failure until the Captain took over. Even with the poor leadership, the luck of the dice went with Luxembourg more often than I would have thought. Twice, a stack of a 2-3 and a 3-3 demoralized the attacking stacks in assault, and both stacks took several turns to regroup. In the end, a much better game than I thought it would be.

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