Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Not enough will to succeed
Author J6A
Method Solo
Victor Hungary
Play Date 2015-10-08
Language English
Scenario FiAx001

This was a nice, fast scenario. The Hungarians set up 2 INF platoons in the town to keep the Slovaks from using it as a fire base for their HMGs and artillery, and dug in their HMG and an INF platoon in the hills, leaving the last platoon in the woods. The Slovaks sent their HMG and artillery down the road to help with their speed, and later sent over an INF platoon, because I forgot they needed one in assaults. The rest of the INF advanced shielded by the woods.

First contact came on turn 4, as the Slovaks attempted to flank the hill, and got units disrupted for their troubles. However, accurate Slovak artillery demoralized the Hungarian HMG on the hill...for just a minute, as it rolled snake-eyes on recovery. The Slovaks attempted to force the Hungarians out of the town in an assault when they were able to demoralize the Hungarian leader there, only to lose a step for their troubles. This was the only step loss during the game. They were never able to clear the town, one of the HMG platoons ran away demoralized, and there wasn't a leader to send after him. A bunch of Slovaks were demoralized trying to crest the hill and bring the Hungarians to heel, and spent most of the game trying to recover.

When all was said and done, each side had 4 undemoralized steps on the 40m hill for 16 VP apiece, however the Slovaks had lost one step and had 2 steps demoralized at game end, giving the Hungarians a 19-16 victory. While not the most exciting scenario I've ever played, it was fun and I could see it going either way.

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