Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Good Flying Weather
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2015-09-13
Language English
Scenario KRBT035

Russians set up holding a 1-hex town and trying to block a move for a much larger force trying to open a path of 4 hex width from south to north, and exit 15 steps off the north edge of the board. Russians not in the town get to start dug in. Random air cover is available to one side or the other on the half hour, Germans get a +2 to their roll, high roll wins. I started out placing Soviet outposts in the fields dug in with an AT rifle on the German left flank, dug in AT guns to both sides of the town, mined the area between the town and the dug-in AT gun on the German right so that there was a canal that Germans would be tempted to move through, with was targetted by another AT gun, the Soviet Guard mortars, and an HMG. The 4 units of Soviet Grants were north of the road and outside of German AT range until the time looked right, then moved forward on the German left. I started out the German armor in a 'panzer glock' formation, the heavier armored Mk IVs forward, Mk IIIJs to either flank, then the lighter Mk IIIs and flampanzer in a second line, with the foot infantry moving up behind. The Germans get a 20mm AA and a 50mm AT gun that stayed limbered and towed for most of the game, but unlimbered and set up on the German left when the Soviet Grants moved forward. The Grants were extremely lucky and took out both steps of 2 Mk IIIs before the Mk IVs took them all out. Two Su-76s were set up in the fields to the German left but died early on as Germans got the initiative in time to get the first shot. Over the course of the game, the Germans rolled more 12s than I think I have ever seen in a single game, and the German air power made appearances with every opportunity, doing harm except for the last time. In one shot, a Stuka struck the Soviet held town, following a very good OBA shot that had demoralized the units in the town, and the Stuka not only finished off the remaining two steps, but the Soviet Major died when his leader loss roll turned up snakeeyes. By turn 9, the 4-hex wide lane was open, and by turn 10, the Germans got the 15 steps off the board, this after the German major with 2 Infantry units occupied the empty town. I spent the last few turns playing out direct fires and assaults trying to eliminate the rest of the Soviets or move a Soviet survivor into the 4-hex path, but although there were still troops remaining in the woods to the north, none were in any condition to threaten the path. The German armor formation really works well in this sort of scenario, and it was interesting getting the chance to try it. Great game.

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