Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Defense Collapses as CO Dies
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2015-09-07
Language English
Scenario InoG012

A reinforced US infanry company with Shermans and a 57mm AT gun supporting defend a town that may be attacked from any direction at night. Germans have a little more than double the infantry, 2 mortars to the US 1, and an Infantry Gun, and the choice of where to attack from once the US troops are set up. This on board 10 from the Bulge game. I decided to defend the town all around, with the strongest side to the south facing the hill and light woods, with the more open north side more lightly defended by the mortars and AT guns, with an HMG and Infantry in each southern corner and 2 infantry in the mid-south hex, the Major in the mid-north with the mortars, the AT guns in the northwest and the shermans in the northwest. This allowed flexible means to move the tanks to the most troubled spot on the perimiter and defended the most likely avenue of approach. Germans decided that the woods was indeed the best avenue and had set up 2 hexes of attackers aiming at each of the 3 southern town hexes, with an Infantry and HMG in every other attack hex, infantry in between the first two, and an infanrtry and the 75mm infantry gun in between the next, with finally a Captain and 2 infantry to assault from the woods to the east, and mortars in the light wookds just south of the Captain's start point. Things started pretty much as planned for the Germans. An assault force moved up next to a town hex, got spotted and fired on, and then an undamaged force moved up ready to assault next turn. The only problem was that the US were better at inflicting damage than was believed, as the first assault force was demoralized completely, and the 75mm Infantry gun was knocked out completely as it was dragged into position to direct fire into the town. Three assault forces jumped off into three town hexes and the 4th assault force from the east with the captain decided to go for what they thought would be an easy assault against the AT guns. The Sherman moved to the south-central town hex and caused casualties, but after several turns, was itself destroyed completely. The US mortars with the Major moved over to assist the AT gun crews in close combat, but the mortar crews paid for the choice with their lives. The AT crews were next to go, and the Major survived to move south into the major assault in the mid-south hex, but he achieved little but to make the troops hold on just a little bit longer before the whole force was destroyed, with the loss of the Major himself on turn 12. The last US force was hanging on to one hex and a regrouping force held another while one was just beyond reach of the Germans, leaving 3 hexes in German hands at the end of the game. 25 points to the Germans, 17 to the US for a major German victory. Great game right to the end.

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