Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Schwerpunkt success and a steady grind
Author ParaMarine (Soviet Union)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants unknown
Play Date 2015-08-19
Language English
Scenario KurS028

I asked my opponent to pick a smaller scenario that we could fight through, and this is the one he chose. I elected to play the Soviet Guards, and he the SS.

The Soviet force set up in a defensive line on the south side of the town, with its SMG company in the town and a light gun dug in to the north. The Soviet Battalion Commander personally led the forward deployed force in the southern woods, with the heavy artillery placed in the western edge of the forest with the intent of enfilading any troops which attempted to attack towards the town. The German commander did not take the bait, and began an assault on the small forest with his best troops.

Despite taking heavy casualties, the SS Infantrymen were able to eradicate the small Soviet force in the woods, and to eliminate their medium artillery. I unwisely had my only transport units placed near the woods in case they were to reinforce the town, when I should have kept one near my other gun. The Guards put up a good fight, but they were eventually overwhelmed with their reinforcement route being interdicted by the German motorcycle troops and AA guns.

After clearing the forest, the Germans had little trouble in using their remaining forces to encircle the town. This time, a furious assault was not necessary, as there was plenty of time to maneuver into place and to decimate the Russians with superior firepower. One Soviet Lieutenant made a valiant stand in the town, but was eventually shot down, with the last of his men becoming casualties or surrendering. The Germans had succeeding in their Attack to Destroy mission, allowing follow on units to continue the drive towards the Psel.

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