Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Two Lieutenants
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2015-08-02
Language English
Scenario AAAD030

This 12-turn game lasted a lot longer than I expected, and the US started out looking like they couldnt be beaten. They set up in a line along the east edge of the 60m hill and east of it dug in and waiting for the Germans to pop up on the hill. The Germans came in strong, the infantry set up using the chain of command to allow the whole force to move up for the first few turns on 1 initiative, with the truck-towed guns moving along the north edge of the board and the Pz-2 moving along the south until it could join in an assault on the south flank of the US force. The US 37mm AT wasnt in a spot to shoot at the panzers, but aided in defending against the infantry force stacked with the US Major and an infantry. As the Germans came over the edge of the hill, the whole US line opened up, and 4 steps of Germans were lost quickly. Good German leaders were quick to rally the troops and assault both north and south ends, the Panzers joining in the south. The Panzers ended up being the first casualties in that assault, losing both steps in two turns, but the superior German morale and 10-1-2 leader overcame the US infantry and HMG on the south flank, with the north flank falling a turn later. US casualties rose to equal the Germans quickly after that,but the US Major and his troops held on stubbornly until his loss on turn 9 with the AT gun. The US force melted away after that, and on the start of turn 11, the only US troops on any of the target djebel were two lonely LTs, themselves being chased west. Major German win, but had the dice gone hot just a bit longer for the US, they could have held on to the high ground just a bit longer, perhaps changing the results of the game. Great scenario.

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