Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Death of the Guard
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2015-07-19
Language English
Scenario PzLi002

This small 12-turn scenario has Germans holding town hexes on board 24, with 2 companies of t-34-85s and their SMG tank riders, 2 leaders and a Kommisar, along with an RKKA infantry battalion and an Su-76. The Germans have a reduced battalion holding the large multi-hex town and the single town hex just inside the German start area on the ridge, and get a good reinforcement group, including Tigers and Panthers on turn 7. I placed the German Col in the center hex of the large town with an infantry and an engineer to reinforce any outer hexes of the town, and I placed the 75mm AT and 20mm AA guns in the north-central hex with an infantry and HMG to either side, then filled all the other outside hexes of the town with infantry, placing the 75mm Infantry gun and one infanry in the southwest and the mortars in the southwestern most town hex, and placed a Captain and Sergeant with 2 infantry in the northern town hex, my usual thought of an outpost to slow the enemy down and call in OBA. The Russian Guard made for that northern town thingking their overwhelming numbers would take it easily and let the RKKA troops head on to start enveloping the big town. First blood drawn was one of the T-34 steps in assault on the northern town, which successfully held the whole game, killing all but one step of the T-34s and 2 of SMGs, while killing both of their officers while the Kommissar wandered the field reeducating fleeing troops. The envelopment of the large town looked by turn 6 like it was going to succeed, having taken some casualties but retaining morale and numbers, but just as the German Colonel found himself replacing a downed line officer, and while 2 town hexes hung in the balance, in comes the reinforcemnts. The came in to the town folling the road, and breaking out to reinforce assaults all around. This turned the tide for the town, but the Tigers got brave or just plane foolish, and skirting the town and the RKKA troops to the west, an RKKA LT with two infantry assaulted them, taking 2 of the few German casualties of the game as both Tigers took a step loss, damaging and demoralizing the brave RKKA troops in turn. With lots of Russian blood on the field, I played out turn 12 just to see if any Russian troops might at least challenge a couple of town hexes, but no luck. Only one town hex was contested, the Germans in the small northern town having chased away their antagonists completely. Major German victory, 70 points to 5. Great game.

2015-07-20 20:20

I played this a couple years ago, and wrote The Storm Breaks Around Corntesi. We were rather disappointed in that the town didn't seem to be threatened enough. Functionally the result was similar to yours.

2015-07-27 11:47

The German Captain and Sergeant in the northeastern town reminded me of Sgt Steiner from Cross of Iron. The Captain was demoralized for a time but the Sergeant kept on going and the Captain was finally shamed into returning to action. Even solo, so many of these scenarios come out almost in a narrative form, even if I don't spell that out in the AAR very well.

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