Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
2 pounder pain
Author garbare83686
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2015-07-12
Language English
Scenario AfKo022

The German and Italian armor arrives before the infantry does, unfortunately for them the 2 pounder proved lethal on its first few shots taking out both steps of the Italian L3/35 light tanks. The armor was in a bad way as they were in range of the AT gun, but struggled to be effective firing a the entrenched Aussies. The AT gun claimed a half step of the PZII a short time later. The Aussies already had at least a draw prior to the German infantry could join the fight. The Germans brought some good leaders and made good use of chain activations allowing almost all of them to push towards the Aussie left flank together. For their part the Aussies hit them with OBA and MGs, but lost one section of OBA on the first shot (boxcars!) The Germans closed on the AT ditches while fighting to stay non-disrupted.

Once they moved into the ditches they found one unfinished. This allowed the M13/40 to join the assault into an entrenched hex, but the Aussies fought back hard keeping the German/Italian combo disrupted and preventing other armor from moving though the break, unfortunately the Aussie artillery rained down a solid friendly fire hit (Foster Lager?) disrupting the troops which eventually lead to their deaths. With that entrenchment the Germans made a dash to an unattended one (Hex #1601, Aussies had gambled to maximize forward firepower). At this point the AT gun was destroyed during an assault that also reduced the accompanying infantry (HMGs, ENG and leader proved potent). At this point (about 5 hours into the battle) the German/Italians controlled three entrenchments, but had lost 9 steps. The Aussies where not going to retake the entrenchments, but Germans were not likely to take any more in the remaining turns. The German Major consolidated his position to secure the breach, leaving the battle as a draw.

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