Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
the trick of the trail
Author leonard (Italy)
Method Face to Face
Victor Ethiopia
Participants unknown
Play Date 2015-07-01
Language English
Scenario COOE001

The terrain and the victory conditions are centered along a winding trail between two high hill masses. In the center of the mountain pass, there's a fort (entrenchment) and they give me (Italian) just 8 turns (gulps) to prevent 3 ferocious ethiopian infantry platoons + 1 HMG platoon to be able to direct some fire on the trail. I have to be fast and daring... The HMG and a big leader (morale =10 !) are dug in on top of the slope dominating the trail : I send all my infantry against them ; they fire and miss ; I manage to win the assault and to kill them but several of my "banda" are disrupted/demoralized (my morale is 6/5 !!!). Further on, I manage to lock down one Ethiopian infantry in the fort but these two pesky remaining ethiopians began to run madly on the plateau to reach the extremety of trail. Then I eliminate the guys in the fort but I still need to win the initiative on the last turn to win the scenario. Missed ! He wins the initiative and runs away along the trail. Short and fun scenario. Beautiful maps, excellent counters.

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