Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Holding On
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor France
Play Date 2015-03-29
Language English
Scenario FaoF002

This little fight looked like a sure thing for the Germans. A small force of 3 infantry, an HMG, a 25mm AT with wagon trasport and a roadblock, basically a holding force for one town, vs a motorized force of 8 GD infantry with an HMG and mortar, with reinforcements to come on or after turn 5, consisting of 2 Engineers, a StuG IIIa, a 150mm Infantry gun with SK7 tractor and a 37mm AT with wagon. Leaders were a good mix, the single French Sous LT drawn a 9-0-1, but as it turned out, that was more than enough. Germans had a serious abundance of 10s, with the initial commander a 10-2-1 Major with a 9-1-1 Captain and 9s and 10s LTs, while the reinforcements got a 10-1-2 Col and a 9-0-0 LT. The trucks brought the GD troops up close, stopping the leading trucks with 2 infantry and a 10 LT but not without the French, having decided to defend the town in the southwest, getting an op fire, which missed. Germans deployed into the woods to either side of the road that lead them there, the Captain having lead the 3rd stack of trucks carrying the mortar and HMGs. Turn 2 saw Germans organize for upcoming assault on the southern side of the town and a stack ready to jump the hedges and take the roadblock. On the next turn, the Germans moved forward, with one LT and 2 Inf going for the roadblock that had been set in the empty space between the northern-most town hex and the hedgerows, and point blank defensive fire only disrupted 1 of the 2 units, which had the Dug In value of the roadblock they occupied against the fire from the 25mm AT gun and from the French LT and 2 infantry one hex further back in town. German arty had little effect on the French holding town hexes, and as Germans assaulted the southern and northern town hexes, stopped firing for the rest of the game. The AT gun crew and wagon held long enough for the French LT and 2 infantry to move in and add their power to the assault, but during the course of the next few turns, the guns were eliminated and the wagon fled, only to be destroyed as a German unit entered that central town hex. French Infantry and HMG in the southern hex went fanatical as they twice eliminated a step of infantry and demoralized virtually the whole stack, even demoralizing the German Major. Shuffling of good order troops had little effect as the super LT and a fresh force suffered the same results. The French LT and 2 infantry units in the other end of town didnt fare quite so well, but they consistantly regrouped time and again against Germans that barely managed to disrupt them. French got quite good at 9 column assaults rolling a 1, while the Germans barely managed 13 column and rolled a lot of 6s and 8s that the French shrugged off. At the end of 12 turns, the French still contested the two town hexes, preventing a German victory. Great game.

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