Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
They Came, They Shot, They Died
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Romania
Play Date 2015-03-28
Language English
Scenario EdIV041

This has to be the shortest game of PG I have played. So short that I could include every detail in this AAR rather than my short narative.

Setup: Russian vessel, Zheleznyakov, starts off the south edge of board 3 to enter on turn 1 at a speed of 3 as designated in the scenario.

Romanians start out along the banks of the river. 37mm AT with transport wagon at the first bend, 0712. Next 2 cav with a Captain a 0912, another 2 cav at 0911 with an LT. The next 37mm AT gun with transport at 0809 and the third stack of 2 cav with the other LT and LTC at 0808, and lastly the 47mm set up east of the river at the bend at 0805.

Turn 1: Zheleznnyakov enters board, 0717, 0716, ends in 0715, sees and shoots at the 37mm AT gun in 0712, missing. The 37mm AT gun shoots back with it's AT value of 2, hitting with a roll of 9. The vessel has an armor value of 0, so the 9 plus the AT value of 2 gives a step loss. There goes the Zheleznyakov.

This is a short and fun little exercise in some rules that I probably wont get to use often, and makes a good solo target shoot game.

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