Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Running Out of Momentum At a Bad Time
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2015-03-27
Language English
Scenario PaNi011

I'm a bit unsure on the setup on this one. Soviets set up from xx10 and east. US sets up west of xx04, which would pretty much put them on top of the soviets, so I changed that US setup to east of xx04 and that puts them on and around the ridge, which fits with the story line. I set up with the Russian at gun, an infantry, HMG and LT in the southeast corner of the town; the Soviet major, a JS-2 and an infantry in the eastern-central town hex; another LT, the other HMG and an Infantry in the northeast town hex. The Soviet 122mm gun, an infantry and an LT in the north central hex of the town where the gun could serve in either AT or BF roll, the second JS-2 in the north-west town hex, and the last infantry and mortar in the southwestern town hex with the last leader. The 6 Soviet halftracks were put in the eastern 3 hexes, 2 each, as unused transports with the ability to add their HMG firepower. OBA is random for both sides, and in today's game, random rolls meant no Soviet OBA and US only once. From the beginning, US did well in getting initiative when needed, but outside of that, die rolls were right in the middle, meaning lots of missed shots, where soviets got several x results, turning the initiative contest to a 0 for soviets and a 1 for the US way too quickly. US moved the tanks down from the ridge and explored the mines on turn 1 when they had the 3 shots of smoke to help keep odds down. The central eastern mine hex turned out to be a decoy so they swept right through. The chance looked good on turn 2 for a pincer to assault the town from south, around the edge of the mines, and right through the middle where the mines were decoys. That was where the US luck abandoned them. Hit dismounted and adjacent to the town hexes, they were hurt badly with step losses and demoralized troops and leaders, while cover fire from the tanks did little until they switched from DF to AT fire and took out 4 of the halftracks, reducing the Soviet fire by half. The situation stalemated for the rest of the short game as US troops fled and were replaced only to get fresh troops killed or demoralized. The tanks were thrown into the assaults and were promptly demoralized themselves. In the end, the US had 2 town hexes contested while the rest were never in jeopardy of loss. Big Soviet win. I want to try this a few more times to see what approaches would work better. I dont use hidden troops, and this time, knowing where they all were wasnt much of a help. Good scenario with a little need for clearer setup instructions.

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