Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
A Few Matildas Make a Big Difference
Author dreierj
Method Solo
Victor Australia, Britain
Play Date 2015-03-11
Language English
Scenario AfKo006

The initial Australian strategy was to assault the entrenchments from north to south with infantry, and send the tanks to take out the entrenched artillery on the hill. Once the artillery was eliminated, the Matildas would sweep south and west. The Italian strategy was to just hold out. I placed HMG and infantry units together in a few entrenchments to give assaulting Australian units a tough time.

At 0845, the Matildas had cleared out the Italian artillery and were forcing surrenders as they moved south. The main infantry push down the line seemed to be going well, with the Australians losing only two steps.

By 1000, the Australians had taken eight entrenchments, while the Matildas continued to force surrenders as they moved south. The Australians still had 13 entrenchments to take, and some of these were held by tough units and at least one good leader.

At 1330, the Australians had lost four steps. The Matildas were very successful in overrunning the scattered Italians in the east. They then moved southwest, forcing several Italian platoons to surrender. A couple of stubbornly-held entrenchments slowed down the main advance in the center. Now the Australians only had three hours to take the final five entrenchments.

At 1545, the Australians forced the surrender of the final entrenchment. The Italians had lost the majority of their forces, while the Australians suffered the loss of only six steps and two officers. This was a clear victory for the Australians.

The key to victory was the Matildas and their ability to force many Italian units to surrender. Australian infantry units were bogged down in assaults against two entrenchments containing HMG, infantry, and strong officers. These were finally taken by exiting the assaulting units, bringing in the tanks, and forcing the Italians to surrender.

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