Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Lock up your back door and run for your life
Author dricher
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2015-01-07
Language English
Scenario FaLu002

In this follow-on scenario the Germans are again knocking in the Luxembourgian doors. But this time the French answer the call to help defend the towns. The Germans must clear the four doors from the road and clear the towns of Luxembourgers and French. The defenders must prevent the Germans from

The Germans have lots of firepower, to include some minor armor and a truly nasty OBA offering. The French are fairly numerous, but weak in firepower. The Luxembourgers are very weak, poorly led, but at least have atrocious morale. Two thirds of them start in the eastern town, the other third hidden in the western town. Two roadblocks on the east, two to the west.

The Germans come in with full intent of seizing the eastern town as quickly as possible while sending one platoon of engineers with plenty of infantry support towards the western pair of roadblocks. The French come in from the south, and are way too far away to save the eastern town. Unfortunately for the Germans, the Luxembourgers choose this time and place in history to defend at all costs, and force the Germans to spend eight turns clearing the town! Some forces have already moved west, to include one tank heading to the town, but the infantry are headed to the roadblock.

Meanwhile, German tanks enter the western town, and hit the hidden troops, who inflict a step! Then the French cavalry move into the town as well. The antitank guns set up on the north end of the big woods, forcing the other German tanks to maintain cover in the town and not move west to assist. Some cavalry also take position in the woods and behind fields within charge distance of the western roadblocks. The Germans send infantry to assault the ATGs, and the covering cav needs to assist the defense. The guns die, most of the cav dies, and the rest runs. But the advance of the tanks is delayed by just enough time to make a difference. Supporting infantry is in the western town supporting the damaged tanks, but make little headway.

The Germans manage to take the eastern town on turn eight, eliminate the last of the roadblocks on turn ten, and move forces to the western town by ten. The Germans are contesting one town hex already, and on turn eleven the Germans move towards the other two hexes. The northern approach goes well, but to the south the French opfire shakes two of the approaching platoons, effectively eliminating any threat of assault. Turn twelve ends with one hex French controlled, and the other two hexes both end contested, albeit with the defenders pretty shaken. Step losses are four for the Germans, and 15 for the allies. With one town infested with defenders and the defenders taking more losses, the scenario ends in a draw.

I rate this one a four. The Germans have significant firepower, but a very aggressive set of victory conditions. The allies have little offensive firepower, but significant staying power. I suspect the draw is a highly likely outcome. The allies probably do not have a great chance of winning due to the loss requirement. But with only twelve turns the Germans are very hard pressed. Fifteen turns would possibly make this a very German slanted scenario, twenty definitely so. But overall the offensive and defensive challenges make a decent little scenario, better than the previous one.

Errata note: The scenario instructions do not include the setup instruction to use the four roadblocks for the Luxembourgers. The special rules and victory conditions do both call out the doors; they are only missing in the setup instructions.

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