Panzer Grenadier Battles on June 2nd:
Broken Axis #35 - Operation Katja Scenario 3: Commence Operation Katja Broken Axis #36 - Operation Katja Scenario 4: Calculated Risk
Try Something Else
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2014-12-23
Language English
Scenario WiSo012

The short scenario seemed to fit in my desire to play something appropriate to the anniversary of the Bulge date but something that fit into my lunch hour. US troops are set up mid-board in the town hexes there (treated as woods for this scenario). Germans hold the southern town and may be dug in anywhere south of the xx12 line. I set up one infantry and the HMG in town with the SS commander and placed an infantry and a mortar to either flank, 2 hexes away in the light woods dug in. A Pz IVH may join the fray anytime during the game. The US troops jumped the gun and 3 platoons and the captain moved out in halftracks to prepare an assault on the town hex after the Germans failed to get the tank reinforcements for the turn. The US Sherman followed down the road behind the halftracks to avoid the deep snow restrictions if mech forces move off the road. In jumping the gun, they failed to wait a turn or two for US artillery to soften things up out of concern for the possible reinforcements. After the US troops dismounted at 2 hexes range from the town, the arty struck and had no effect, leaving the US troops exposed and very vulnerable in the snow. German fire from all 3 German stacks disrupted and demoralized the troops. The US Captain was able to reform and get 2 platoons and their halftracks ready for an assault as the Shermans left the road and drove up next to them, ready to join in an assault, but again, the German fire disabled half of the assault force in the adjacent hex. Another force of US infantry lead by the better of the two LTs moved on foot attempting to flank the German left, but during the course of the next few turns, the exchange of point blank fire resulted in more US casualties and little damage to the dug in Germans. Finally the Captain managed to get into assault with 2 halftracks and the Shermans, only to have the Germans take out one halftrack and one step of Shermans to no losses for the SS troops. Next turn, the shermans and the remaining halftracks were eliminated and the captain was forced to fall back on his own back into the hex just north of town with the disrupted survivors of the earlier attempts to build up for the assault. German fire continued to hack away until everything was destroyed as the US Major bravely lead a last effort to assault the town, which coincided with the German Panzers moving in from the south. The US made the assault and lost big, as even the Major died to leader loss dice roll. At the end of turn 7, with no armor at all and less than half of the starting infantry force, their commander gone, the Captain demoralized and the LT on the German left barely managing to hold on, the US decided to call a halt to the attempt. There simply wasn't enough left to keep making an attempt. Great game, and one that quickly shows errors made early on.

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